Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marching Band Kicks Off

Earlier today (6:00 - 9:00 PM), the Warwick High School Marching Band had our first practice of the year. These early Spring practices are unusual, as practice traditionally begins in early Summer.

A pic of last season's show, The Rise of The Samurai Warrior

Only a few new members showed up, and altogether, there were only about 20 "bandos" present (excluding color guard). This low number was expected, as most members had previously plans. Another practice is set for next Monday.

Our practice was mostly productive, with the new members learning the basics of marching and the veterans getting back in step. While I do believe that we could of had more done with a larger portion of the band there, I understand why so little showed up.

More on my marching band season is coming up.

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