Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back on Track

Last Monday we have our third practice of the year. We had plenty of new people, as well as more returning members than ever. It really felt like we were getting back on track, just like last year.

The practice itself was quite productive, as we taught backwards marching to the newbies as well as "fine tuning" their forward marching. We even got the first 40 measures of the national anthem memorized, and tracked the song in preparation of the upcoming Memorial Day Parade.

Welcome To "Trills And Thrills"

If you're here, you've probably read the post on my personal blog about creating a new blog. Well, I've done it! I've still got a few tweaks and changes to do, but soon this blog will be up and running, most likely with near daily updates. Check back for any new developments!

Practice Picks Up

Our second practice for marching band went much better than the first. Because we are practicing for the upcoming Memorial Day Parade, seniors were present, and it felt like we were getting "the gang" back together.

Having seniors there definitely improved the group's morale, and we got a lot accomplished. Although for veterans like me, it was quite boring. Learning something you already learned is one thing, but we're learning something we learned, mastered, and then got first place in the region for being so good at.

However, we also have a new clarinet player, which certainly improved my morale. She plays first chair in the middle school, so we will hopefully be just as good as last year.

We only have a few more practices until May 20, our "Season Kick-Off" meeting, where we will learn this year's show and prepare for the parade.

Performance: Literary Magazine Opening

I've discussed my playing on the clarinet a few times before, but I haven't really given a detailed explanation of any of my performances. Earlier tonight, however, I played at the release of Inspire!, the literary magazine compiled by the C.I.A. (Club for the Integrated Arts).

The night included more then just the literary magazine - there was food, music, poetry, and art. I played my clarinet, and you can listen to the songs I played below (note: I played solo, so any other instruments you hear were not included; also, for the "Main Theme", I played only a section).

- Final Fantasy VII Main Theme

- Maple Leaf Rag

- Sonatine

- Divertimento II

The performance was mostly a success, despite the fact that I had only the day before to practice most of the music. Divertimento II was by far the longest, with six pages of music. Maple Leaf Rag was arguably my favorite, as it wasn't classical - it was jazz.

Pictures and video of the performance will be available here soon.

Marching Band Kicks Off

Earlier today (6:00 - 9:00 PM), the Warwick High School Marching Band had our first practice of the year. These early Spring practices are unusual, as practice traditionally begins in early Summer.

A pic of last season's show, The Rise of The Samurai Warrior

Only a few new members showed up, and altogether, there were only about 20 "bandos" present (excluding color guard). This low number was expected, as most members had previously plans. Another practice is set for next Monday.

Our practice was mostly productive, with the new members learning the basics of marching and the veterans getting back in step. While I do believe that we could of had more done with a larger portion of the band there, I understand why so little showed up.

More on my marching band season is coming up.

My Music

It seems like a shocked that I've never mentioned this before - I play the clarinet. And I've been playing for nearly 5 years. In those years, I've been in symphonic band, orchestra, and my all-time favorite, marching band.

The Warwick marching band (yes, the one with the scandal) has won the Regional Championships for three years in a row now. This past season was my first year with the band, and we took first place (as well as several other awards, including High Percussion) with our show, The Rise of The Samurai Warrior.

I tell you this because practice for the next season begins in just a few months, and Drumline has already started. Of course, our practice is much longer then sports, as we have to teach newcomers how to march and such, as well as memorize several pages of music.

Although I do not know much information about this next season (our show has not even been decided upon yet), I will post updates about all my adventures in marching band. For your viewing and listening pleasure, I have included a video of our performance. This video is from our home competition, and the stands were packed, as our band is famous in our town (and among other bands).