Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baccalaureate Tonight, Tomorrow - Graduation!

Tonight was a great night indeed, with the orchestra and chorus both saying their second-to-last goodbyes to the senior class.

The Baccalaureate began with the Flute Quartet and Symphony V by the orchestra, one of the pieces we played during our Spring Concert. Because two of our clarinets were graduating, and another was unfortunately absent, I was the only clarinet playing the song. This made me happy because there are multiple parts in the piece where the clarinet is the main focus.

The orchestra proceeded to play Pomp & Circumstance, the classic graduation tune, and then, four verses of Amazing Grace.

Once we had completed those three pieces, the senior class had a variety of performances for the audience, including Pray For Me, Whenever You Remember (a song accompanied with a dance performance), Suite No. 2 in D Minor (an amazing viola piece played from memory), and my personal favorite, Let It Be.

I was quite nervous when we played Let There Be Peace On Earth, for I had a very short time to practice it, and having an important part. I did worse than I had done during practice, though I understand that I had only a half an hour to practice it.

And now, I look forward to tomorrow, where the Symphonic Band will play off our graduating seniors, thus waving goodbye to the 2008 Warwick Marching Band forever...

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