Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Band Camp, Day 2: Part 1

Tired from the first day, I was once again dreading Band Camp - but that quickly changed once we dived into practice. Instead of the usual basics, which utilizes the band's block formation, we combined basics with the drill - which involved practicing drill with a focus on out posture and marching technique instead of having the focus on reaching our spots.

After this different version of basics, we continued extensively practiced the 14 sets that we had learned yesterday, before quickly learning the rest of the opener, all the way up to Set 29. We definitely have more work to do on these sets, but I am very excited about adding music to this tonight.

Also today, we were given the option of arriving an hour early for the evening practice in order to have a sectional where we can practice any music or sets that we are having trouble with - I will certainly be taking advantage of this, because we have multiple turn-arounds in the opener that the whole band will need to practice.

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